
Hi, I’m Steve Castley and I was born in Brisbane, Australia in 1955.

From the time I started kindergarten, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. Obviously I hero-worshipped Miss Tame, my kindy teacher. Anyway, after a few hiccups (repeating my senior school year because I got lousy results the first time) I got into teachers’ college, graduated in 1976 and began working as a teacher in 1977. It felt great achieving a career goal and even better because teaching was totally rewarding. From 1977 to 1999 I worked as a teacher and later a principal at Karumba, Charleville, Wycombe (outside St George), islands in the Torres Strait and Lockhart River on Cape York Peninsula. They were all wonderful years, but towards the end of the 20th century, I itched for a life change and new adventure.

In 1999, I moved to Bali and a new chapter of my life began. I painted, wrote, read, dabbled in a bit of teaching, designed and built villas, travelled and took in some dogs. Life was a new kind of wonderful. Many of the pages in my website relate to my creative activities. Check out my paintings, my books and my dogs.

Writing is now the focus of my creative endeavours. I’ve published three books over the years and in 2021 will publish three more books. Please click my page for books. There you can not only see the book covers and blurbs, but you can also click on the books and be taken to Amazon where you can buy the books.

I send out a weekly blog related to writing, reading or life in general. If you would like to receive my blog, please subscribe on the home page of this site.

My email is stevecastley124@gmail.com . I always welcome feedback and would love to hear from you.