2018 Resolutions.

Every year I make New Year resolutions and within days they are broken or forgotten. This year I decided to stick to just two promises. Hopefully I’ll abide by them. Here they are.

  1. I will write every day.

I love writing, so there is little chance of me not sticking to this one. BUT – and there is always a but – I intend to have two of my books published by the end of 2018. Two Poofs and a Poodle is completed and the search is on for a publisher. The Maiden Aunts will be completed in weeks and then the search will begin for another publisher. Daily writing will be easy, but finding a publisher is the greater challenge. If you have any suggestions, please send them my way.

2. I will read 50 books in 2018.

I’m currently reading The Rosie Effect. It is the sequel to The Rosie Project. I loved the first one and am finding the sequel a bit of a challenge, but I’ll stick with it. Next I’ll read The Glass Palace and thenĀ The Thread. That will keep me going for the next three week, but I’m not sure what I’ll read after that. This is where I would like your help. What did you read in 2017 that you loved and can recommend? I would love to hear your suggestions.Please help me build my reading list for 2018.

I’m confident I’ll stick with these resolutions for all of 2018. Did you make any New Year Resolutions?

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