There goes another year.

New Year’s eve allowed me time to reflect on 2021. It had been a wild ride. I’d spent 2020 losing money hand over fist as Covid 19 gripped the world and tourism in Bali halted. From March 2020, I forked out money to keep staff employed and my business, Private Ubud Villas, going, but there was no income. This continued into 2021, without any recovery in sight. What was I going to do? My 66th birthday was approaching fast and the Australian Age Pension was looking good. I worked with my Bali staff, ensuring they were ready to take over the reins, while I returned to Australia. On the 4th April, I departed Bali and landed in Australia on the 5th April.

The first few months was spent organising to my pension, catching up with family and friends, and working my business from afar with daily phone calls and emails back and forth to Bali. Within a few months, I realised surviving on the Australian pension in Australia, with everything costing so much, was not a long term solution, so I re-registered as a teacher and put out feelers for a teaching position in the Torres Strait. I had fond memories of working there decades ago, plus accommodation was provided, so this seemed a good option. I received an offer in August and started at Badu Island in September, 2021.

Teaching on Badu Island.

I’d not taught for the past 16 years and more than once I wondered what I was doing. I’d survived bladder cancer, now had a urostomy bag and wasn’t sure I could manage teaching with my altered plumbing, but I jumped in feet first and survived the challenge. Technology was king and all curriculum documents were now available on the net. Student records, reporting and communication used the net as well. Blackboards were a thing of the past and instead, classes had whiteboards and large computer screens. My learning curve was huge but I was up to the challenged, loved teaching my class and survived the final term of 2021. I was exhausted by the end of most school days and spent weekends resting and planning for the next week.

Summer holidays.

I was more than ready when we broke up on the 3rd December and began our six weeks of Christmas holidays. Four weeks of these holidays have now elapsed and I’ve had a five days in Cairns and the rest of the time here on Badu Island. Staying here has given me time to rest, work with my Bali team, revise my memoir and plan for my new class for 2022. While all my plans have progresses slowly and I’ve not achieved as much as I hoped, there has been progress, so I’m not disappointed.

And my 2022 plans?

I have plans and some would call them New Year resolutions, but I don’t. They are just intentions and as such may change. Here they are.

  1. I will get my Covid 19 booster as soon as it is available here on Badu.
  2. I will try and walk most days.
  3. I will continue with sensible eating and hopefully lose more kilos.
  4. I will plan and teach my Year 1 and 2 class for first semester.
  5. I will return to Bali on the 29th June, 2022.

So they are my plans for 2022. What are yours? I hope we all have a magnificent 2022.

9 thoughts on “There goes another year.”

  1. Your intentions sound honorable, Steve 🙂 and far less threatening than resolutions! I still marvel at all you took on in 2021. What monumental changes. But in true Steve Castley form, you took the dive, smiling, believing totally in yourself and your abilities, and just DID IT. Who cares if you didn’t accomplish everything you imagined you would? What you did accomplish was way beyond what the rest of us lowly humans could ever conceive of. May you have a brilliant (and easier) 2022.

    1. Thanks Sherry. Your life is sounding brilliant and very fulfilling. I hope it continues as it has started. Hugs and love. Steve

  2. Thanks Steve, and amazing what you have achieved since leaving Bali. I am planning to continue the transition to less work and more painting, reading, writing and time at Walpole. And lose weight too! My plan is to re visit Bali in October all going well. All the best for your next Semester. It’s wonderful that you have a date to return home. It sounds like they are managing it well there. Xx🥰

    1. Thanks Gabrielle. I hope you enjoy less work and more leisure in 2022. And I hope t7o see you in Bali later this year, but it’s a matter of surviving onicron first. Hugs. Steve

  3. Good for you, Steve. What a year! Paul and I very much hope to see you in Bali as soon as it is possible in 2022. I just hope it becomes easier to get in than it is now.
    Mind you, what a reunion we are all going to have!🍷🎉❤️

    1. Hi Gail and Paul, Let’s hope 2022 is much better than the last couple and that it will not be too soon before we are enjoying a drink or 2 in Bali and putting Covid behind us. Herfe’s hoping. Hugs. Steve

  4. Dear Steve, Wishing you and all dear to you, a wonderfully joyous 2022 filled with; extremely good health (surely it is our turn!), happiness galore, flowing creativity, and, calmness and peace.

    So good to know you are enjoying your time on Badu Island enriching the lives and minds of your students, amazing you are. It is fantastic you will be returning to your beloved Bali at the end of June and I hope it will not be too long before we will be catching up with you all.
    Best always and warmest wishes, Greg.

  5. Dear Steve
    As always I’m full of admiration for how you tackle challenges head on.
    What a year!
    I’m surprised and delighted for you that you’re able to return to your beloved life and loves in Bali before 2 years are up.
    Meanwhile best wishes with your intentions and your remaining time on Badu 🌺🌺.

  6. Bravo! You will return to Bali in only 5 months? Fantastic. Here’s hoping 2022 brings relief from this Covid madness. Miss you heaps. Ray

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