How are those New Year resolutions going?
So, how are those New Year resolutions going? Is the weight coming off? Are you getting to the gym every day? Are you finally writing that novel? Have you booked an overseas holiday? Tell me, I would love to hear.
We’re at the end of January, so now is a good time to review and tweak those good intentions made at midnight on the 31st December, 2015
I painted my 2016 resolutions with broad brush-strokes. I resolved to give up another addiction or two and give in to at least one obsession. Success was possible.
Giving up an addiction.
I have plenty of addictions to choose from. Over eating, quaffing wine, and smoking are just a few.
In May, 2015 I gave up watching television and reclaimed hours each day. I’d experienced success and was sure I could extinguish another.
I chose my food addiction and gave up sweets, snacks and reduced my food intake. Combining this with daily walks, January has seen a drop in my weight by 4kg, a very happy Rina (she loves her walks),plus I am feeling great and have more energy.
I am looking forward to February and the continued reduction of my food addiction.
Giving in to an obsession.
Again I have plenty of obsessions: work, reading, writing and travel.
I chose reading and writing for 2016. In January, I’ve read five books; all of them memoirs. I love reading people’s stories. A Gift from Brittany was my favourite. French Revelation – A dog’s point of view, demonstrated the pitfalls of writing a book through the eyes of a dog. If you get the voice wrong, it becomes unbelievable. The author, Robert Walls, rarely found Gus, the dog’s, voice.
And I gave into writing. Everyday I’ve written and edited Two Poofs and a Poodle and I will complete it by the end of next month. Then it will need some serious professional editing.
So that’s been my start to 2016. My resolutions have been the focus of January and all going well this will continue in February.
How about you? How are your 2016 resolutions coming along?