Saying the final good-bye.
Saying the final good-bye to a pet requires compassion. Fortunately, we are left with wonderful memories to soften the grief.
On the 7th May, 2018 we were at Sunset Vet with our Bali dogs for their annual vaccinations. We mentioned we were ready to adopt another miniature dog if one came along. Our preference was for an old rescue dog who we could spoil rotten in his or her final days, months or years.
Surprise! Surprise!
On the 18th May, 2018, Bayu received a call from Sunset Vet. One of their clients had rescued a dog from the side of the road in Celuk. He’d been dumped there about six months previously and was in a very poor condition. The rescuer already had a dozen dogs and could not take another one. “Did we want him?” the vet asked.
I was out shopping when the call came through and returned to find Bayu pacing the lane. “Our dog’s waiting,” he said and an hour later we were inspecting the rescue. Those eyes! Were we really going to adopt a reincarnation of Bette Davis? Of course we were.

And so the journey began
It was love at first sight. It always is. The vet didn’t really have to ask if we would take him and pay all his medical bills. Of course, we would. They thought he was about eight years old and wanted to run a barrage of health checks. Did we agree? We nodded, but assured them we’d take him regardless of health concerns. Three days later we collected him and as they says, the rest is history.
Why Meisun?
“What will we name him?” I asked.
“Meisun.” Bayu didn’t need to think about it.
“Why?” I asked.
“Mei from the month of May and Sun because we got him from Sunset Vet. Meisun.”
And so it was, but somehow he got called Meimei more than Meisun.
What is he?
Bayu scoured the internet, checking dog photos and finally decided he was probably a Shih Tsu. A month later when his hair grew back, this was confirmed. He was loveable, lively and although the smallest of our dogs, he was the boss of our pack.

For more that six years he did everything with us, including days away at resorts in Bali.

Fourteen years.
About a week ago, Meisun stopped eating. After two days, we took him to Sunset Vet, hoping for a miracle, but he was about fourteen, so we kept our hopes in check. Visits showed no improvement and yesterday we got the dreaded text message – He’s gone into renal failure. Nothing could be done. We went straight to Sunset vet to say our final farewells and hold him as he was euthanised. Tears were shed, but we had no doubts that this was the right thing to do. We could not see him suffer any longer.
Saying good-bye.

It is the hardest thing to do but you know when it is the right time. I am feeling for you both along with Joe who will miss his little buddy.
Saying goodbye and letting a beloved pet go is so hard. Little Meisun passed knowing he was loved and cherished. Bless you Steve and Bayu. 🙏
Thank you for sharing photos and your memories of Meisun, Steve. It’s touching to see the life Meisun had before you and Bayu adopted him into your family, and to see the photos of his life with both of you. It is never easy to let a dear pet go. My thought go out to both of you.
The vet. Staff look very compassionate. So lovely that one of your other dogs could say goodbye😔
Meisun was a lucky little guy to have 8 years added to his life and to find himself in the hands of such devoted owners. I remember coming to writers group every week and watching his transformation from a shaved, sore-infested skeleton, to a bouncy, fluffy love-bundle! Bayu and Steve, what a gift you gave your little Meimei!
What a lovely story, Steve! Sad but uplifting. You two gave Meisun a wonderful dog. If I ever come back as a rescue dog, I would want you And Bayu as my owners.🙏🙏
So sorry for you both, a sad time in life. Enjoy your beautiful memories that you can go to forever. Luck Meisun to have had the love and lucky you both got to receive his love. 🤗💜
I have wonderful memories of Meisun as my furry neighbor. I am so very sorry for your loss. There is a special rescue waiting for the love you and Bayu have to offer. ❤️🩹
Such a beautiful story . Our condolences.