It’s two months already.
Two months ago I left Bali for the great Australian adventure. I didn’t want to leave my life there, (Bayu, our dogs, my work colleagues and friends,) but Covid 19 had given me a fair financial beating and I wanted money and the security offered by the Australian age pension.
Much has happened in these 2 months. Dieting, walking and not smoking continue. I’ve lost 10kg so far and am now regularly walking for an hour each day. I love exploring new walks and this week’s highlight was the boardwalk track through the mangroves along the Currumbin Creek.
On the medical front I’ve now met with my doctor and over the next week he’s scheduled for me to have:
- A series of blood and urine tests to check the status of my cancer.
- CT scans of my Abdomen and pelvis. Also to check for the absence of cancer.
- My first Faiza vaccine.
- Next Friday, I meet with my doctor again and review my tests.
This week I also joined the Gold Coast Ostomy association and met with them regarding my urostomy requirements. They handed over 60 urostomy bags to keep me going and set in motion for me to receive monthly supplies. It really is an amazing, efficient service. When I told Bayu how they’d given me 60 free bags, he was astounded and said, “Free. 60 of those bags cost $600 when I order them for you.” This is certainly a great positive about being here. As a pensioner. all my medical seems to be free. Not exactly free, but the bills are invoiced against Medicare and paid for by the government.
Trying something new.
Each week, Janet and I try something new. So far it’s been films and art galleries. This week we went to a quiz night at the RSL Club. Surprise! Surprise! It was paperless. Each table had a key pad to enter their A, B, C, D, or E multiple choice answer. The Quiz Master read the questions, but they also flashed up on the 6 TV monitors around the room. We had 15 seconds to enter our answers. Everything was automated. It could have been boring, but the Quiz Master had personality plus, so it was a great night. We didn’t win, but we had fun and we’re going back again next Thursday. The red wine was delicious too.

Ugg Boots – Yes or no?
The 1st June marked the start of winter. I’m used to Bali’s 24 degree temperatures in winter, but here on the Gold Coast, temperatures have dropped to 10 or 12. It’s cold, but not freezing. Not yet, anyway. In preparation for icy weather, I’m investigating Ugg boots and jackets. Nothing purchased yet, but maybe next week. Watch this space.

Yes, I’m writing, but every since I arrived in Australia, my productivity has declined. It’s time for me to pull my finger out and get cracking.
This week I entered a short story titled, ‘Forever Friends,’ in the 2021 Stuart Hadow Short Story Competition. I’ve also been working on another couple of short stories.
From today, I’m also revising a chapter a day of my memoir, Fu#k me! What next? Wish me luck.
And back in Bali.
Bayu organised the purchase and distribution of our monthly food packages to 32 staff and their families. Below are a few photos. I’m proud we’ve managed to run this program for 10 months. It has made life a little easier for some families.
Thanks Steve, great to hear of the positives about being in Oz. We certainly have an amazing health system! It’s so good that you have lost weight and stopped smoking, you are going to be a healthy pensioner!
And you are writing your blog, so that’s writing!
Xx Gabrielle
Hi Gabrielle, I miss Bali, but am finding lots to enjoy here in Australia. I need to push the writing a bit more, but am sure I’ll get there. Maybe we’ll catch up again some day. Steve
Thanks for sharing Steve. It’s great to keep up to date with how you’re going 😊. You’ll be back home before you know or.
Hi Julie and Ron, I just spotted your comment on my blog. Sorry I missed it before. While I miss Bali, I am certainly enjoying Australia. It has so many great walks, wonderful wines, plus it is fun catching up with old friends. Stay safe and well. Steve
Hi Steve
Emma and Steve here.
We have really missed our visits to Bali the Villas and of course Friday nights at the fly.
I have now retired and hoped to spend 12 months in Penestanen but of course that’s on hold for now. We ended up selling our house and buying a caravan and have been touring around Australia. We have been on the road for 19 months now and will keep on going till we can get to Bali. Right now we are in 150km from Alice Springs in Harts Range really getting into zircon fossicking, which we hope to get some of them cut and bring to Bali to have made into jewellery, plus the exercise is doing us good, because we are stacking on the weight. I must admit we’ve seen some amazing places and not regretted our trip for 1 minute, but we still would of liked to be in Bali instead. We hope that all the boys in the villas are doing ok, despite everything and also Marcel and Geoffrey and the others at the Fly. Im sure your time here in Australia will fly past and you will be back in Bali sooner than you realise. Love from Emma & Steve
Hi Emma and Steve, Sorry for my slow reply. I missed your comment. Retired and travelling around Australia – Magnificent. I’m sure by 2022, things will return to some sort of normal and you’ll get to spend time in Bali. When you are looking for a long stay, let me know and I’ll see what sort of deal I can swing for you. I miss Bali too, but am enjoying myself in Australia for now. Stay safe and well. Steve
Great read, Steve, while you are understandably missing Bali, you seem to be settling in well to a healthy lifestyle and enjoying the many pleasures of the Gold Coast (and should I mention cheaper access to our wonderful range of Australian red wine?). Is that Wayan Eka Dana behind the mask with some of the monthly food supplies? Do you still have sufficient donations to keep this program going? If not, it may be timely to mention it in your next blog/newsletter as I am sure many of your regulars would like to see it continue.
Hi Maggie, I missed this comment. Yes, Wayan Eka features in the photos. I have received a few more donations for the food program and will solicit more in the next mail outs, so I can try and keep the program going for all of 2021. Thanks for suggesting this. And yes, Australian red wines are magnificent. Stay well. Steve.